Can You Service Trailer Bearings at Home?

If you tow a small trailer behind your car or truck, you will, from time to time, need to have a look at the axle bearings to make sure that they are still fit for the purpose. What is involved in servicing these bearings, and is this a job that you can easily do yourself?

Assessing the Job

The larger the trailer, the more complex this job may become, especially if the trailer has its own braking system. In every case, however, you will need to support the axle with appropriate stands before you can remove the wheel and have a closer look at the hub. These steps should help.

  1. Gently remove the end cap that keeps moisture and debris away from the bearings. You will then be able to access the nut that holds the hub assembly to the axle.
  2. Once you have removed the adjusting nut and washers, you can pull the hub assembly away from the spindle shaft. You may need to tap it gently with a softheaded mallet to do so.
  3. Next, place everything on a flat surface and lift the outer bearing out of the hub.
  4. The inner bearing may be held in place by a seal, and you will probably have to knock this out carefully using a hammer and punch.
  5. Work your way around the bearing methodically until it comes out of the hub.
  6. Remove as much grease as possible by either blowing compressed air or washing the part with a solvent mix. Then, have a good look at this component to assess its condition.
  7. If you can see some discolouration or pitting, then you may need to replace them with new bearings.
  8. If all is good, you will now need to repack the bearing with grease. Work this in methodically from one side until the grease appears on the reverse. You may need to rotate the bearing to make sure that your work is uniform.
  9. Gently tap in the inner bearing and associated race with a softheaded mallet to replace all the components. You should also coat the outer edge with a liquid sealant and make sure that it is flush to the inner part of the hub while installing.
  10. When replacing the external nut, you'll need to ensure that you do this carefully so that there is a sufficient amount of free play when everything is adequately secured.

Is DIY an Option?

As you can see, you need a certain amount of patience, the correct tools and the proper approach to do this yourself at home. This is why many people take their trailers to a local technician. They can ensure that the bearings and other components are serviced as they should be.
