When Was the Last Time That You Checked Your Vehicle's Engine Mounts?

Regular maintenance can certainly help to make a car or truck last for a long time and avoid any potential breakdown. Most people are familiar with the typical car servicing visit and understand that they need to get the oil changed, replace brake pads and make some adjustments from time to time. However, they may often overlook certain other parts be because they are out of sight or out of mind, but this can have implications should these particular components start to wear out. Why is it essential to pay attention to the engine mountings during a major service?

Dealing with Movement

On a typical vehicle, there may be several different engine mountings which, as the name implies, are components that hold the motor in place and keep vibration to a minimum. Each mounting is typically made with metal and rubber components, with one metal clamp attached to the chassis frame, the other fitted to the bottom of the engine, and the rubber part in between. Certain types may have liquid components as well, and in this case, they will perform as if they were a shock absorber.

Mountings at Work

The engine is, of course, particularly heavy and especially when it is attached to the gearbox. It will tend to move during acceleration and deceleration, and the mounting will help to keep it in place at this crucial time. However, these parts will begin to deteriorate just like any other component, and when this happens, they will not perform as they should. The engine may start to move a little more than it should, and in the worst-case scenario, it may impact other components or cause additional parts to wear out more quickly.


There may be several different engine mountings in place on your vehicle, and there could be an additional device attached to the rear of the gearbox. It's essential to have a look at the condition of the rubber component and to make sure that the metal attachments are still in good condition. If the mountings are filled with liquid, then it is also important to check for any leaks and to make repairs as needed.

Taking Action

Ask your mechanic to have a look at your engine mountings when you next take the vehicle in for a service. Should they be in poor condition, they will probably need to be replaced, and this should be done as soon as possible to avoid any additional problems.
