Typical Indicators Your Car Needs Electrical Repair

Your car electrical system is made up of three major components – the battery, starter and alternator. These components can experience problems that cause the vehicle to stop working properly or stop working completely. 

Fortunately, car electrical problems rarely go unnoticed, as they manifest themselves in so many different ways. Check out some common warning signs of car electrical repair issues below.

Difficulty in Starting the Vehicle

Do you experience problems starting your car? This is often an indication of a problem with the vehicle's power supply system and the battery is the usual culprit.

When your battery is flat or dead, it won't be able to produce the power needed to start your vehicle. As a result, you may hear a clicking sound when you turn the key of the vehicle. Or, you may hear the engine purr for a few seconds before going silent.

You should take your car to an automotive repair specialist if you struggle to start the vehicle. 

Headlights Appear Faint and Weak

Do your headlights look dimmer than usual at night? This is another sign of an electrical problem and the alternator is the typical culprit. The battery relies on the alternator for charge and circulation of electrical energy to the other components of the electrical system. 

When an alternator is not functioning well, it will cause headlights to lose their usual brightness when you turn them on at night. As travelling with dimming headlights can compromise the safety of your vehicle, it is best to have the issue checked and fixed post-haste.

Dash Lights Go Out

When your dash lights go out, there are several likely causes of the problem. The dash lightbulbs could be out, there could be a problem with the wiring, the fuse could be blown out, the dimmer switch could be turned all the way down or the taillights could have gone out.

If the dash lights go out and come on, it is likely that your battery is failing. A vehicle repair specialist can help to identify the root cause of the problem and repair it.

Looking out for signs of car electrical problems and acting early is vital to keep your vehicle on the road for a long time. Seeking out a vehicle repair expert immediately after you discover problems will also help to maximise the safety and performance of the vehicle while keeping repair costs at a minimum.
